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   Author  Topic: Spell check  (Read 6889 times)
Support Staff
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Spell check
« on: Jan 24th, 2003, 10:14am »
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PLEASE SEE BELOW FOR NEW VERSIONS (the first posts are valid for some previous versions)
As you may know, some installations of Office 2000/XP don't support sharing the spell-check function with other applications. This sharing is used by our products and enables users to keep a single "custom dictionary", retaining the same spell-check criteria for all (compatible) applications running on the PC.
A practical solution to get things working quickly was to install an old MSWord release (for example Word 7).
Another solution (for English MSWindows editions only) is to download this ZIP:
First close all programs, then extract the .dll .dic and .lex files to the directory shown in the ZIP archive. Then double-click the SpellFix.reg file, this will update the MSWindows registry and
you're done.
« Last Edit: Dec 9th, 2010, 4:18pm by Support Staff » Logged
Dan question


Re: Spell check (english)
« Reply #1 on: Mar 15th, 2004, 6:04pm »
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Spell check did not work when I first installed 1Site,  I checked the help file and it suggested the problem was that MS's own spell checker was not installed correctly, but I've never had a problem with it.  
The only reference I found in the forum was the above message, so I somewhat recklessly downloaded the fix to see if it would solve the problem (it changes the registry).  I say recklessly because I noted that the message was commenting on 2000/XP and I was running W98.  When I tried to start up 1Site, a repeating error message blocked me completely so I guess my registry is messed up badly.  
Fortunately I made a backup of the W98 partition before trying it, so I'll restore, but it leaves an unresolved problem of how to fix the spell check problem within W98.  It's the lite version that I'm experimenting with.
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Re: Spell check (english)
« Reply #2 on: Mar 18th, 2004, 8:05pm »
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The spell fix works on 98 also
But it is not a thing to do without care........!!
First of all, you must pay care that the files in the ZIP are unzipped by retaining the path that's stored in the ZIP. If you do some errors in placing the files, then you might need to manually edit the registry (c:\windows\regedit.exe).
Basically you should check the presence of these 3 files:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof\MSSP232.DLL
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof\MSSP2_EN.LEX
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof\custom.dic
Email support if any problems.
Nicholas A Cooke


Re: Spell check (english)
« Reply #3 on: Apr 20th, 2004, 3:21am »
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Oh dear!

I installed the patch as instructed and all went haywire when I tried out the spell checker.
"Access violation at adress 00000000 read of address 00000000" in a windows error box.  The spell check box which appeared in the top left hand side of my screen was titled "Spell check in English (United States)" there was some text in italian: "Controllo in corso". Closing the boxes cycled to the next window and the boxes reopened. When it had finished all of the windows that I had created it started to create lots of its own.  
At this point I Ctrl-alt-deleted and found that my password would not longer work when I tried to log on.  I got in by logging on as administrator and changed the password.
I confess that this gave me some qualms as it seems that something appears to have happened in the registry that ought not to have happened.
I have a W2K setup with C partition for OS, D partition for programs which is where EWE appears to be installed in a folder called vv.
Any thoughts on what I should try next.  Or is the answer just to give up on spell check?  Do I need to do any remedial work on the registry?
I look forward to your comments.
Support Staff
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Posts: 919
Re: Spell check (english)
« Reply #4 on: Apr 26th, 2004, 4:07pm »
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Please refer to what posted above.
The fix just adds 3 Registry entries that does not interfere with MSWindows.
The entries do point to direct file paths. If the files pointed do not exists (primarily because you unzipped incorrectly, without full path names) the program may not work correctly (if before version 3.14 - now it should be more robust, this means if you do a mistake it won't work but it won't hang).
Please double check everything you did, then if you still experience problems, do email support directly ( ).
We will try to understand what happened maybe with some screen shots... this doesn't have any public utility (unless someone else did the same mistake you did).
Support Staff
YaBB Administrator


WWW Email

Gender: male
Posts: 919
Re: Spell check (english)
« Reply #5 on: Apr 26th, 2004, 4:10pm »
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Addenda: the Registry keys touched are under this main one
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Spelling\1033
so you must be Administrator if you are doing this under NT, 2000 or XP.
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Re: Spell check (english)
« Reply #6 on: Jan 16th, 2005, 2:16pm »
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Addenda: we have improved the program so if you don't install the Spell Check patch correctly it does not experience any malfunctions.
Actually we want to totally change the spell check mechanism.
However with the current mechanism the spell check works if you have MSWord 97 or Office 97 or Publisher 2 or 3 - if you have Word 2000 or better you should install the patch as above.
Support Staff
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Gender: male
Posts: 919
Re: Spell check (english)
« Reply #7 on: Jul 4th, 2005, 3:47pm »
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Received from an user:
>I recommend
>>that you change your download patch instructions to read this way.
>>"First close all programs. Unzip the file.  Next, copy the 2 files
>>and .lex) to the sub-folder "Proof" which is found on the path:
>>C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof.  Then
>>the SpellFix.reg file, this will update the MSWindows registry and
>>you're done."  
>>Thanks for your patience and help.
Support Staff
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Gender: male
Posts: 919
Re: Spell check (english)
« Reply #8 on: Dec 9th, 2010, 4:18pm »
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If you have the new version, get the ZIP as above, but instead extract the DLL and LEX files in the application directory
without any additional folder. Use WinZip or any other free tool that can extract files from ZIP archives.
Then go in
Program options
the Spell tab
then click the "..." transparent button that is besides the Language pull down menu, and tell to the program what is the folder where you just placed the DLL/LEX files.
This detects as well French (mssp_fr.lex mspfr32.dll) German (mssp2_ge.lex mssp232.dll) Spanish (mssp3_es.lex mssp232.dll) Italian Portuguese and other DLL/LEX you may have and you just have to place in the same folder.
YaBB Newbie

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Posts: 1
Re: Spell check
« Reply #9 on: Sep 11th, 2018, 12:15am »
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on Apr 26th, 2004, 4:07pm, Suppot Staff wrote:
Please refer to what posted above.
The fix just adds 3 Registry entries that does not interfere with MSWindows.
The entries do point to direct file paths. If the files pointed do not exists (primarily because you unzipped incorrectly, without full path names) the program may not work correctly (if before version 3.14 - now it should be more robust, this means if you do a mistake it won't work but it won't hang).
Please double check everything you did, then if you still experience problems, do email support directly ( info at ).
We will try to understand what happened maybe with some screen shots... this doesn't have any public utility (unless someone else did the same mistake you did).

Spell check did not work when I initially introduced 1Site, I checked the assistance document and it recommended the issue was that MS's own particular spell checker was not introduced accurately, but rather I've never had an issue with it.
« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2019, 6:46am by Support Staff » Logged
Support Staff
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Gender: male
Posts: 919
Re: Spell check
« Reply #10 on: Sep 11th, 2018, 1:09pm »
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at present you should just download the ZIP (link above) and copy the files contained to the 1Site application directory, by default:
the you restart 1site, set english as language in the Hypertext options, activate the red underline in the spell check menu, and it will work....
YaBB Newbie

I love Visual Vision!

WWW Email

Posts: 1
Re: Spell check
« Reply #11 on: Jun 3rd, 2019, 12:23pm »
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on Sep 11th, 2018, 1:09pm, Support Staff wrote:
at present you should just download the ZIP (link above) and copy the files contained to the 1Site application directory, by default:
the you restart 1site, set english as language in the Hypertext options, activate the red underline in the spell check menu, and it will work....

I dont know, but it seems to not work in my end as well. Is this a glitch in the system?
« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2019, 6:47am by Support Staff » Logged
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