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   How to load a youtube video?
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   Author  Topic: How to load a youtube video?  (Read 13310 times)


How to load a youtube video?
« on: Sep 12th, 2007, 1:36pm »
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Morning guys, not sure if this is the right place; was just wondering how I get to upload a video in a thread. I clicked on the YouTube VIDEO button and put in the url and the result was a black  
box with nothing in it. I was wondering, how do I get the video to show up on the screen? Thanks alot!
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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #1 on: Sep 12th, 2007, 2:08pm »
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youtube provides a "code" that you can insert (with Insert >HTML >Within text) into a page in order to show the video on a page of your website.
by the way, within EasyWebEditor you will see a small icon in place of the code. Online (on your website, after you publish) you will see the video box.
*IF* you copy and paste the youtube code correctly, of course!


Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #2 on: Jul 15th, 2008, 3:32pm »
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I was going to set it up to where people would physically send me their video on CD/DVD then I would upload it from my computer (I would not be allowing users to upload video content from their  computer to my web site). Would this method require programming?
Also, my second option is to post a link to videos that are out on YouTube, MySpace. I would not upload the info to my site, I would just be a web site that pointed the way to a particular niche interest group (and their videos). On my web site, I want to put rectangular squares on the page that has the live link to a users' MySpace (video) site, and I want to put a little text info/a photo (all within the square) about the content and the author, etc. Could that work?
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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #3 on: Jul 15th, 2008, 3:34pm »
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> I was going to set it up to where people would physically send me
> their video footage on CD/DVD then I would upload it from my computer
> (I would not be allowing users to upload video content from their
> computer to my web site). Would this method still require programming?
No this does not.
You can do this with Insert >Sound / Video / animation
> Also, my second option is to post a link to videos that are out on
> YouTube, MySpace. I would not upload the info to my site, I would just
> be a web site that pointed the way to a particular niche interest
> group (and their videos). On my web site, I want to put rectangular
> squares on the page that has the live link to a users' MySpace (video)
> site, and I want to put a little text info/a photo (all within the
> square) about the content and the author, etc. Could that work?
Yes this will perfectly work.
Also this second option will put most of the load (the video download can be a huge load for your server; it means band and the band costs) on the Google YouTube server rather than your server, so it is usually be the best solution.
Some other users already do this.
YouTube (or other sites) provides a chunk of "code" for this.
You place the cursor somewhere in the page, you use Insert >HTML >Within
text, then in the dialog that is shown, you copy and paste the code provided (so you actually don't have to know what the code is, you just barely copy a short text - the "code" is actually a short text). Then it shows as an icon when you are in the editor. You publish, and on the web this "icon" is replaced with the rectangle with the YouTube video.
P.S. To publish a web site you need to rent a web space (you can do this with us at or with other companies). This is "your server".
When you use YouTube for the videos (not for the pages, but just for the videos; we explained how it is possible to do this), you exploit the YouTube server for the video, and so you have less load on "your server". Basically a video always exploits a lot of resources, so if you don't use YouTube, you can expect your host to say, "hey, I see you are using a lot of resources, I need to increase your bill" (this happens on all hosts if you have success, sooner or later). If you use YouTube, it is YouTube (Google) that pays.
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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #4 on: Feb 22nd, 2011, 8:49pm »
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But youtube videos are embedded !! how can the provider ask for more money when you are just embedding a you tube video. I mean the video isn't really on your space!
« Last Edit: Nov 24th, 2023, 10:02am by ClintonFouche » Logged


Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #5 on: Feb 23rd, 2011, 4:24pm »
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Clinton, what is your question? I understand that the support, above, says exactly what you say (that is a nice idea to use youtube, so you save band and save money)
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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #6 on: Apr 20th, 2012, 8:20am »
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I'm hoping you can please help guys. I'm looking into changing the size of a YouTube embedded video to make it a little smaller.
Does anyone have any ideas please?
« Last Edit: Feb 8th, 2019, 6:48am by Support Staff » Logged
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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #7 on: Dec 16th, 2016, 10:06am »
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    Sign into your YouTube account.
    Click on Upload at the top of the page.
    Before you start uploading the video you can chose the video privacy settings.
    Select the video you'd like to upload from your computer. You can also create a video slideshow or import a video from Google Photos.
    As the video is uploading you can edit both the basic information and the advanced settings of the video, and decide if you want to notify subscribers (if you uncheck this option no communication will be shared with your subscribers). Partners will also be able to adjust their Monetization settings.
    Click Publish to finish uploading a public video to YouTube. If you set the video privacy setting to Private or Unlisted, just click Done to finish the upload or click Share to privately share your video.
    If you haven’t clicked Publish, your video won’t be viewable by other people. You can always publish your video at a later time in your Video Manager.
Once the upload is completed we will send you an email to notify you that your video is done uploading and processing. You can then forward that email to friends or family for easy sharing. If you prefer not to receive notification, you can opt out by visiting your email settings.
YaBB Newbie

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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #8 on: Feb 23rd, 2017, 3:00am »
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You don't have to post the tags with spaces when showing someone how something is done. You can enclose them in noparse tags
You want to show this ....
Type this ...
In the second example I noparsed the noparse tags to show how noparse works
« Last Edit: Feb 8th, 2019, 6:45am by Support Staff » Logged
YaBB Newbie

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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #9 on: Nov 25th, 2017, 1:29pm »
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Here are the steps you'll need to take:
Go to
Click the large blue "Create Account" button, or the smaller link with the same name at the top right of the page.
Fill out the form with your personal information. If you have a Gmail address, entering it as your email address in this form will save you some time later. When you're done filling out the form, click the "I Accept" button.
If you used your Gmail account when creating your YouTube account, you'll be asked to link them together on the next page. If this is the case, link the accounts. If you did not use your Gmail account (because you don't have one) you'll be asked to create on on the next page. If this is the case, create a Gmail account and it will be linked to your new YouTube account.
Now you're signed up and should be automatically signed in. You'll know if you're signed in if you see your YouTube account name in the upper right corner of the screen. If you don't, you should see a "Sign In" link up there. Click that, then sign in with your new YouTube username and password.
YaBB Newbie

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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #10 on: Feb 8th, 2019, 2:50am »
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But youtube videos are embedded !! how can the provider ask for more money when you are just embedding a you tube video. I mean the video isn't really on your space!
« Last Edit: Feb 8th, 2019, 6:46am by Support Staff » Logged
YaBB Newbie

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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #11 on: Mar 16th, 2022, 3:38pm »
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This is very worth reading conversation, I was finding it many days ago.
Good thig is I didn't wonder that I will find it in this forum, Em also surprised actually.
YaBB Newbie

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Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #12 on: Oct 31st, 2022, 7:14am »
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on Feb 22nd, 2011, 8:49pm, ClintonFouches wrote:

But youtube videos are embedded !! how can the provider ask for more money when you are just embedding a you tube video. I mean the video isn't really on your space!

It's hard to believe that before YouTube debuted in 2005, there were no widely popular ways to share videos on the internet with friends, family, and strangers.
YaBB Newbie

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Posts: 1
Re: How to load a youtube video?
« Reply #13 on: Aug 20th, 2023, 7:28am »
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on Oct 31st, 2022, 7:14am, RogerWix wrote:

It's hard to believe that before YouTube debuted in 2005, there were no widely how to take *this is the VV forum about Web site CD autorun cd presentation selfinstalling ebook manual creator software* 37.5 for best results? popular ways to share videos on the internet with friends, family, and strangers.

Yeah, highly agreed with you.  
Now a days such things are very hardly be believe and understand too specially for this new generation. [url=*this is the VV forum about Web site CD autorun cd presentation selfinstalling ebook manual creator software*-37-5-for-best-results-top-five-tips-to-boost-your-results-with -*this is the VV forum about Web site CD autorun cd presentation selfinstalling ebook manual creator software*-otc-news-311994][/url]
« Last Edit: Aug 22nd, 2023, 5:12am by LazzySiveston » Logged
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