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   images does not show on the web after publishing
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   Author  Topic: images does not show on the web after publishing  (Read 4265 times)


images does not show on the web after publishing
« on: Feb 25th, 2017, 6:23am »
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I'm making a new website which will contain certain pages from previous websites of mine (all are EWE sites).  So when I highlighted and copied the page, and pasted it onto the new site, it looked fine in EWE.  But on the web, the jpegs do not appear; just a square outline with a symbol in the corner.  
So I opened EWE, deleted one of the jpegs, and reinserted an image from scratch, then published it  again -- still no change.  
I put a letter on the first page of the new version so I'd be sure I was looking at the reinserted version, and the letter was there, but jpeg not coming up.
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Re: images does not show on the web after publishi
« Reply #1 on: Feb 25th, 2017, 6:28am »
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Probably it has been a incomplete publishing problem. When a image is shown in EasyWebEditor, either inserted with the insert menu, with copy and paste or whatever, it is there. There can not be problems related on how the image has been inserted.
When you publish, sometimes due to the Internet or the server load the automatic FTP publishing may publish partially or the autodetection of modified pages/images may (rarely) fail. In this case a solution can be to press the "All" button that is on the bottom left of the publishing window (before pressing the Publish button) and so force it to publish everything, and make sure to follow the publishing so in case it stops or stall you restart it from where it stopped (if it stalls, you press the moving Stop! button then you press the big Publish button).
YaBB Newbie

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Re: images does not show on the web after publishi
« Reply #2 on: Nov 20th, 2017, 7:19am »
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on Feb 25th, 2017, 6:23am, Mark wrote:
I'm making a new website which will contain certain pages from previous websites of mine (all are EWE sites).  So when I first tried are awesome highlighted and copied the page, and pasted it onto the new site,  it looked fine in EWE.  But on the   the jpegs do not appear; just a square outline with a symbol in the corner.  
So I opened EWE, deleted one of the jpegs, and reinserted an image from scratch, then published it  again -- still no change.  
I put a letter on the first page of the new version so I'd be sure I was looking at the reinserted version, and the letter was there, but jpeg not coming up.

Don't insert images from another EWE site. First, copy those images to some folder and then insert them from there, like they're new images.
Try this and let us know if it works.
« Last Edit: Aug 9th, 2021, 9:01am by Support Staff » Logged
YaBB Newbie

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Re: images does not show on the web after publishi
« Reply #3 on: Jan 7th, 2019, 6:31am »
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on Feb 25th, 2017, 6:23am, Mark wrote:
I'm making a new website which will contain certain pages from previous websites of mine (all are EWE sites).  So when I and copied the page, and pasted it onto the new site, it looked fine in EWE.  But on the web, the jpegs do not appear; just a square outline with a symbol in the corner.  
So I opened EWE, deleted one of the jpegs, and reinserted an image from scratch, then published it  again -- still no change.  
I put a letter on the first page of the new version so I'd be sure I was looking at the reinserted version, and the letter was there, but jpeg not coming up.

Can you insert a completely new image in your page? If you can, then there is some problem in the process of inserting old images. Let us know if you're able to insert a new image successfully
« Last Edit: Aug 9th, 2021, 9:02am by Support Staff » Logged
YaBB Newbie

I love Visual Vision!


Posts: 1
Re: images does not show on the web after publishi
« Reply #4 on: Aug 3rd, 2021, 5:56pm »
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on Feb 25th, 2017, 6:23am, Marks wrote:
I'm making a new website which will contain certain pages about phen375 from previous websites of mine (all are EWE sites).  So when I highlighted and copied the page, and pasted it onto the new site, it looked fine in EWE.  But on the web, the jpegs do not appear; just a square outline with a symbol in the corner.  
So I opened EWE, deleted one of the jpegs, and reinserted an image from scratch, then published it  again -- still no change.  
I put a letter on the first page of the new version so I'd be sure I was looking at the reinserted version, and the letter was there, but jpeg not coming up.

You need to make sure the image is actually part of the web you are working on, and that when you save the file/page, it point to the correct path.
« Last Edit: Aug 21st, 2021, 6:16pm by LloydMassey » Logged
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